World Bioethics Day : BOOM - SCOPE CIMSA UI

World Bioethics Day : BOOM - SCOPE CIMSA UI


Hello CIMSA!

To celebrate World Bioethics Day (WBD) on October 19, 2022, SCOPE CIMSA-UI has conducted a series of events for increasing knowledge about medical bioethics in Indonesia. Based on a study in Oman, 52% of a total of 200 participants reported that the teaching of medical ethics during medical school was inadequate. The majority of physicians (73%) also report that they frequently encounter ethical dilemmas in their practice and 24.5% support the view that unethical decisions are likely to occur in their practice. One of the cases that raise ethical issues in Indonesia is the discovery of the use of marijuana as a drug which is not only beneficial for the patient's health but also causes other side effects for the patient. That's why for this year WBD raised the topic of Bioethics Observation of Marijuana (BOOM) as a discussion. BOOM's main event was held via Zoom Meeting on Saturday, 19th November 2022, consisting of two sessions of webinar and panel discussion with a total duration of 120 minutes. Before that, campaigns on Instagram have also been carried out to promote world bioethics day in the form of twibbon and What’s Your Opinion about Marijuana.

Before the webinar started, participants were given a pre-test to determine their initial understanding of the webinar’s material. After that, we began the first webinar session, which was presented by dr. Nafrialdi, Ph.D., SpPD. He explained the law and bioethical insight of marijuana as medicine in Indonesia. After knowing more about the law and bioethical of marijuana as medicine, participants had the opportunity to increase their knowledge and awareness about bioethics.

The second session of the event is the panel discussion which was moderated by dr. Yoga Arif Syah Hidayat, and there’s Prof. dr. Menaldi Rasmin,Sp.P(K),FCCP and dr. Nafrialdi, Ph.D., SpPD as the panelists. They discussed the history of cannabis use, the significant use of cannabis for medical purposes in Indonesia, the impact of cannabis positively and negatively, the efforts to control cannabis abuse if it is legalized, terms of the medical code of ethics, and the mechanism if cannabis going to be used legally in Indonesia. After the panel discussion finished, participants were given a chance to ask the panelist about what they haven’t understood yet and give their opinion about marijuana.

After this event, SCOPE CIMSA UI members and society are expected to understand more about the law and bioethical insight of marijuana as medicine in Indonesia and be ready to use their knowledge in SCOPE CIMSA-UI future activities.


Standing Committee on Professional Exchange

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