Sunday, March 14, 2021, the WOMEN'S CRY event was held, which was held by CIMSA UMP. This event was held to celebrate International Women's Day. Therefore, a WOMEN'S Day-themed event was held with the theme Things are Tough. However, Freedom and Justice must be better, Destiny. The goal is to increase knowledge to students, especially in Purwokerto, through a ground campaign by holding webinars on rape culture and gender-based violence by delivering material on gender-based violence and rape culture in the community.
The first material presented was Gender-Based Violence (KBG) and Rape Culture delivered by Norcahyo Budi W from the Male Involvement Officer Gender Unit UNFPA Indonesia. He discussed how to view and what can be done about gender-based violence (KBG) and raped culture.
The second material was then delivered by Junianto, SH, M.Kn., the Legal Staff of UPTD PPA Banyumas. He has present the material title about Against Rape Culture with Legal Education. Discusses Rape Culture from the perspective of Indonesian law and the importance of knowing that women's human rights are protected and guaranteed by the State. All forms of harassment and violence against women can be acted on by the law legally.
Before and after the material was carried out, and a pretest and post-test assessed whether the participants knew what the material was conveyed. Then on the sidelines of changing material three to four, Ice Breaking was given, which was related to the material presented so that the participants did not look bored.