

(Save Mom Save Baby In Pandemic Covid)


On Sundays, April 25 and May 16, 2021, Save Mom Save Baby in Covid 19 Pandemic event was held. This event to commemorate "World Maternal and Mental Health Day". Therefore, an event with the theme is Addressing Maternal Health Issues Through Health Promotion and Education. The goal is increasing knowledge to pregnant women and students, especially in Purwokerto, through a ground campaign and air campaign by with live instagram and webinar on maternal health and antenatal care by delivering material to the community.

The first material was presented by a live instagram, namely an air campaign, which was held on April 25, 2021, which discussed post natal during the pandemic which was delivered by dr. Hervyasti Purwiandari, Sp.Og as regional committee of PKBI Jawa Tengah for the period 2019–2024. Through the live instagram, dr. Hervyasti explained about the health of mothers and babies during the pandemic and health procedures at the Public Health Center. The material focuses on implementation and education so that people can maintain the health of pregnant women, so that in the future will be reduction in the mortality rate for Indonesian pregnant women. In this case, we managed to get a total number of viewers when the live took place as many as 24 people and it was watched on May 17, 2021, reaching 382 views with 30 likes.

The second material was delivered by a webinar on May 16, 2021 which discussed promotion and education regarding maternal health issues delivered by dr. Hesa Kusuma, Sp. OG as an IDI Banyumas obstetrician and gynekologi. The material focuses on maternal health and mental health in pregnant women until postpartum, especially regarding antenatal care in the current pandemic era, not only discuss maternal health, dr. Hesa also discussed health in babies, because the two things are very closely related. In a pandemic era like this, it is not a obstacle to promotional and educational activities for pregnant women, but we can still do it with telemedicine media or face-to-face but with a time limit of 6 meetings.

Before and after the material was carried out the pre-test and post-test to assess whether the participants knew exactly what the material was conveyed by the speaker. Then after filling in the postest, it was continued with ice breaking so that the participants didn't feel bored. We hope that the participants who have participated in this webinar could understand the material that has been delivered by the speaker regarding antenatal care for pregnant women, especially in this pandemic era, then for pregnant women who participate can apply it to their pregnancy life and students can educate on local communities.

Then for the air campaign, we also enlivened the upload of twibbon, which was uploaded from May 15th to May 17th, with a total upload of 32 accounts that uploaded twibbon.


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