

(World Mental Health Day - Beware of Anxiety and Depression)


To celebrate World Mental Health Day (WMHD), SCOPH CIMSA Unimal held an activity called BRAIN (Beware of Anxiety and Depression). A series of activities through Air Campaign, Instagram quizzes, infographics for five days, and holding a two-hour webinar to increase public understanding of mental health.

The Air Campaign was held from 5th - 9th October 2020. All of CIMSA Unimal members uploaded an Instagram quiz on their account with questions prepared by SCOPH every day and also uploaded a poster. The questions are related to mental health day like what is mental health day, when we celebrate it, what is the example of mental health problem, and who should we seek when we have a mental health problem. After the quiz, we also uploaded the poster about our webinar to reach wider participants.

On October 11th 10.00-12.00 WIB, WMHD Webinar entitled "BRAIN" (Beware of Anxiety and Depression) was held on Cloud Zoom Meeting. The material was delivered by dr. Afrina Zulaikha, Sp.KJ who has a specialist degree in mental medicine with General Topics to be covered: ‘Prevention of Depression and Anxiety in Pandemic Times’: What is the definition of mental health in general?, How is the mental health condition of the Indonesian people during the COVID 19 pandemic?, How important is mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic?, How to maintain mental health and prevent us from being the type of person who is self-diagnosed?

Webinar session about ‘Prevention of Depression and Anxiety in Pandemic Times’

BRAIN Webinar had more than 90 participants and was fun because dr Rina interestingly presented the topics, and on the QnA session there were a lot of questions and show how participants excited with this webinar. This Webinar was also attended by  SCO builder of SCOPH CIMSA Unimal, dr.Nora Maulina, M.Biomed, and CIMSA Unimal’s officials.

And after the delivery of the webinar was complete, continued by uploading the infographic on CIMSA Unimal’s Instagram account @cimsaunimal to end our WMHD activity series.

We hope quizzes, Webinar, and infographics will increase people understanding of mental health and become more careful about self mental health and people around us. 


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