
WMHD 2020

(World Mental Health Day)


On 26th October 2020, SCOPH CIMSA UMP conducted an air campaign with the title ‘BE AWARE’ which aims to commemorate the world mental day. According to WHO, there are many risk factors for mental health during this pandemic including: worrying about health conditions, doubting health conditions, unsafe environments, worrying about the cost of living, worrying about transmission, fear of being excluded and discriminated against if suspected of being infected or positively infected. The background of this campaign is the high number of cases of mental health among adolescents and young adults, the public is still afraid to ask mental health agencies about their own mental health and the low level of public knowledge about the importance of mental health.


This campaign aims to provide a forum for friends who want to ask about their mental health and this question was carried out on the CIMSA UMP Instagram story on October 1st, 2020. This campaign was very interesting because we discussed mental health in general and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Along with speakers from Into The Light Indonesia, namely Koleta Acintya Saraswati as the Task Force Coordinator for Suicide Postvention Into The Light Indonesia. These questions would be answered through a video in the form of Question and Answer on Youtube CIMSA UMP.

In this campaign, the targets are medical students who aim to develop knowledge in knowing mental health and educate the surrounding community and target the off-campus community which aims to increase awareness of the importance of mental health and can eliminate doubt about asking personal mental problems. The total number of questions was 17, the number of published posts was 10, the number of likes on YouTube videos was 20 and the number of viewers was 60.

We SCOPH CIMSA UMP, want to say thank you very much to friends who have agreed to ask about health in the CIMSA UMP Instagram question box and also the representatives of Into The Light Indonesia, namely Koleta Acintya Saraswati who participated in celebrating this campaign who has provided knowledge and solutions regarding mental health as a speaker at ‘BE AWARE’ SCOPH CIMSA UMP in commemoration of world mental day.


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