WDD 2020
(World Diabetes Day 2020)
The high prevalence and danger of diabetes mellitus is a challenge for people worldwide, including in Indonesia. In November 2020, SCOPH CIMSA FK Unpad held a series of interventions to celebrate World Diabetes Day through our activity, REMEDY (Raising Awareness and Empowering Women to Eradicate diabetes). Our activities aim to increase public awareness of diabetes.
First, we held a pre-activity training about diabetes to prepare them before giving education to their acquaintances. Then, we posted some educational content on Instagram, such as infographics, myth or fact quizzes, our own Instagram Story Filter, and IGTV with the theme “Their Story about Diabetes” collaborated with Sobat Diabet. Many people participated in our quiz and also liked and shared our content. We also did a ground campaign to educate our families at home about diabetes.
For the last intervention, we held a Webinar for almost 200 participants with the overall theme is "All About Diabetes and What We Can Do About It." For the webinar, we invited two honorable speakers, Maya Kusumawati, dr., Sp.PD-FINASIM to lecture about "Sweet Life without Diabetes" and Dimas Erlangga, dr. M.Kes to give insight into "The Role of Health Students in Diabetes" the end, we also did a mini talk show with the speakers. Gladly, the participants were very enthusiastic about getting to know more about diabetes and gave positive feedback about the activity. They were eager to wait for our other activity in the future.
Even though we are still in a state of the COVID-19 pandemic, this is not an obstacle for us to do good deeds with a series of intervention activities and online campaigns that have been previously carried out until today as the peak day of the REMEDY event. From this activity, we hope that the knowledge given in the series of activities that have been carried out can be helpful. The participants can apply this knowledge in their daily activities. Hopefully, through this webinar, we can help raise public awareness regarding diabetes and its prevention.