WAFER 2021
(World Tuberculosis Day With CIMSA FK YARSI)
Globally in 2016, there were 10.4 million incidents of Tuberculosis (CI 8.88 - 12 million) which is equivalent to 120 cases per 100,000 population. The five countries with the highest incidence of cases are India, Indonesia, China, the Philippines, and Pakistan (WHO 2017. Global Tuberculosis Report 2017, Geneva). Five to ten percent of TB sufferers are active TB sufferers who show symptoms of the disease. Without proper treatment after being infected, 50% of TB sufferers will die within five years, and 70% will die within ten years (Kemenkes RI, 2011). Public knowledge about risk factors and disease prevention is essential in increasing empowerment in the health sector, creating a clean, healthy, and protecting society from Tuberculosis.
- Kemenkes RI. (2011). Pedoman Nasional Pengendalian Tuberkulosis. In Direktorat Jenderal Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit (P2P) Kementerian Kesehatan RI.
- Global Tuberculosis Report (2017)
Based on this background, CIMSA FK YARSI collaborated with SEMA FK YARSI to hold WAFER's activity (World Tuberculosis Day with CIMSA FK YARSI). Besides commemorating World Tuberculosis Day, which is celebrated on March 24, this event also aims to increase the community and medical students' knowledge, awareness, and concern.
The commemoration of World Tuberculosis Day on March 24, 2021, conducting an air campaign in the form of posters and share CIMSA FK YARSI's infographic feeds about Tuberculosis in an Instagram story on each Instagram carried out by all members of CIMSA FK YARSI and members of SEMA FK YARSI and also held a myth or fact quiz about Tuberculosis through the CIMSA FK YARSI Instagram story.
The number that posted posters and shared CIMSA FK YARSI's infographic feeds of World Tuberculosis Day from CIMSA FK YARSI and SEMA FK YARSI members exceeded the minimum target more than 30 peoples, with 57 likes on feeds.
The posters on the Instagram story CIMSA FK YARSI received 169 viewers, exceeding the minimum target. The number who took the myth and fact quiz was exceeded the target, namely by 82 peoples. These results indicate that the community and medical students, especially YARSI University medical students' knowledge, awareness, and concern regarding World Tuberculosis Day commemoration, are increasing.
By carrying out this project, we hope to add insight and public awareness about the importance of maintaining a good lifestyle and early detection to prevent Tuberculosis.