

(Victim Blaming and How to Respond to Catcalling)


The taboo in Indonesian people's mindset about Gender Equality causes the frequent behavior of Victim-Blaming, which is still considered normal by our society, and women are still confused about responding to catcalls. Gender Equality has been included in Indonesia's legal regulations, namely UU no. 7 of 1984 (UU No.7 / 1984) concerning the Convention on the Elimination of All Form of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). However, many still do not know about it. Based on research conducted by KOMNAS PEREMPUAN for 15 years, there are 15 forms of sexual violence. So, the Bill on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (RUU PKS) was made as protection and legal certainty against acts of sexual violence. However, in early 2020, the DPR withdrew 16 bills from PROLEGNAS, the PKS Bill. Based on the 2020 Komnas Perempuan annual record (CATAHU), throughout 2019, there were 431,471 cases of violence against women consisting of 421,752 cases handled by the Religious Courts, 14,719 cases dealt with by service provider partner institutions in Indonesia, and 1,419 cases from the Service and Referral Unit (UPR) Komnas Perempuan.


- Using data from the UU Republik Indonesia No. 7 of 1984


- Journal of the criminalization of verbal sexual harassment (Catcalling) in Indonesian criminal law

- KOMPAS 2020 Annual Notes for women (CATAHU 2020)

Based on this background, to commemorate International Women's Day 2021, which is annually celebrated on March 8, SCORA and SCORP CIMSA FK YARSI took the initiative to hold a webinar. This webinar is called VIBRATE which stands for Victim-Blaming and How To Respond To Catcalling. This event also aims to increase public knowledge, understanding and raise their awareness about victim-blaming and catcalling.

VIBRATE was held on March 20, 2021, in a zoom meeting platform with three speakers, that is Ibu Tiasri Wiandani as Commissioner in National Commission on Violence Against Women, Kak Nurcahyo Budi Waskito as Male Involvement Officer in Gender Unit UNFPA, and Kak Aenea Marella, M.Psi. as Clinical Psychologist of Yayasan Pulih. 

Ibu Tiasri Wiandani delivered material on the PKS Bill's status in Indonesia (RUU PCS).

Kak Nurcahyo Budi Waskito delivered material on Victim Blaming and how to respond to catcalling.

Kak Aenea Marella, M.Psi delivered material on the psychological impacts toward victims of sexual harassment. 

There was a 7,98% increase in the pre-test and post-test results of the participant's webinar. This result indicates that people's knowledge about victim-blaming and catcalling is increasing. This webinar gains 166 participants from all over Indonesia. We can conclude that the dissemination of information on this webinar is quite extensive. We hope this project can increase the public's knowledge of victim-blaming and how to respond to catcalling. 


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