

(Virtual Expo Navigator to Understand Research Exchange)


Data from the Scientific American Survey (1994) shows that the annual contribution of Indonesian Scientists and Scholars to knowledge, science, and technology is only 0.012 percent. Much lower when compared to Singapore 0.179 percent. Based on Kemeristekdikti data, the contribution of Indonesian scientific writings is only 8-9 articles per one million population. Data from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) also shows that Indonesia's adult 'literacy' rate is only 65.5 percent. All of this is evidence that research interest and scientific writing skills for research in Indonesia are still relatively low and in the lowest position compared to ASEAN countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, or Thailand. Meanwhile, in developed countries, the average scientific publication is around 1,000 to 6,000 articles per one million. 
- Badan Litbangkes Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Accesed on March 14, 2021, from:

Based on this background, SCORE CIMSA FK YARSI annually held a campaign to attract students interested in participating in a student exchange in the field of research exchange. This year Exchange Fair called VENTURE (Virtual Expo Navigator to Understand Research Exchange) started with an air campaign through Instagram and a Zoom meeting held on Saturday, April 17th, 2021, with four speakers: dr. Zwasta Pribadi Mahardika, MMedEd as head of the undergraduate study program in the faculty of medicine YARSI University, Kak Adinda, and Kak Fuad as former outgoings, and Miss Siti Maisaroh, S.S.M.Pd as an experienced English lecturer. The aim is to introduce, share and provide exposure to research exchange, specifically among YARSI's first year to third-year medical students. 

The Exchange Fair was attended by medical students FK YARSI who has registered beforehand. dr. Zwasta Pribadi Mahardika, MMedEd, discussed the institute's point of view on research exchange. Next, our LORE (Anjani) gives a brief introduction about research exchange, the flow of exchange, and the focus of the SCORE Research Exchange project and followed by a sharing session from two of our former outgoings (Kak Dinda & Kak Fuad). Next, our SCORE interns led the mini-fair exhibition. Lastly, an English lecturer (Miss Maisaroh) fill-in on how to write a motivational letter and preparation for an interview. This event ended with a closing Zoom group photo and registration link to buy Application Form. 

There was a slight increase in the pre-and post-test results, along with 17 students who filled in the registration link to buy the Application Form. This result indicates that the comprehensive lesson by the English lecturer can be well understood and the interest to participate in student exchange increased. We hope this activity encourages medical students to enter the world of research and participate in the research exchange program.


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