(Understanding Breast Cancer with SCORA CIMSA UNAIR Today)
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in Indonesia. According to data from The Ministry of Health in 2019, the highest incidence of cancer for women is breast cancer, which is 42.1 per 100,000 population with an average death rate of 17 per 100,000 population. It's also one of the leading causes of death in Indonesia. The Ministry of Health in 2013 also stated that East Java had the highest estimated number of breast cancer sufferers.
Therefore, in order to celebrate ‘Breast Cancer Awareness Month’ in October 2020, SCORA CIMSA Unair present a project called ULTRASOUND as an effort to reduce breast cancer mortality by increasing public awareness, especially Indonesian women, for early detection through SADARI and SADANIS. Through ULTRASOUND, we aim to implement SDGs number 3, that is Good Health and Well-being, conduct a webinar to educate both the public and medical students on breast cancer, and to train SCORA CIMSA Unair members in educating the public about cancer breast.
ULTRASOUND consists of online campaigns and webinar which was held on Sunday, October 18th, 2020. The event was a collaboration with Girl Up Unair and Lovepink Indonesia. Online campaigns are posted every Saturday during October in the form of info graphic and myth or facts to educate the public about breast cancer. This online campaign was posted by SCORA CIMSA Unair and Girl Up UNAIR to reach a wider audience.
Beside that, SCORA CIMSA Unair also conducted webinar ULTRASOUND with dr. Iskandar Ali, Sp.B(K)Onk, lecturer in the department of surgery FK Unair, with Lora Ori Amarin and Ina Sumantro from Lovepink as speakers. This webinar was hosted by dr. Risyaddina Ihsani Nugraha, LORA CIMSA Unair 2016-2017 as moderator.
With ULTRASOUND, as much as 214 audiences from the general public, have got education about breast cancer through webinar by Zoom Meeting or Youtube Live. The average post-test score increased by 13,9 points or 26 from 53,25 points to 67,15 points from the pre-test. Moreover, the online campaign in the form of info graphic that was posted by 39 of CIMSA Unair members in their private Instagram accounts has gained more than 20.000 audiences. As well as myths and facts on the Instagram story of CIMSA Unair and members, got answered by 824 respondents.
That’s all for the ULTRASOUND execution, hopefully this event can take part in increasing Indonesian people's knowledge and awareness of breast cancer, so that its mortality rate can be decreased.