(Increasing Awareness and Reducing The Stigma of Maternal Mental Illness)
There are many pregnant women out there who have experienced postpartum depression. Postpartum depression can happen to anyone, including our mother, relatives, and family. Not surprisingly, people who do not know what postpartum depression often stigmatizes pregnant women, saying that the mother is not right in caring for her baby. This implies that there is still a lack of awareness and negative stigma in the community regarding mothers with postpartum depression. For this reason, this year, SCORA CIMSA Unsoed celebrated the World Maternal Mental Health Day 2020 with an event called Increasing Awareness and Reducing The Stigma of Maternal Mental Illness (TEST PACK). TEST PACK is divided into two main events, LPET level 2 and Webinars using Google Meet.
LPET level 2 was held on Thursday, April 16th, 2020 through Google Meet from 7 to 9 PM. There were 23 CIMSA Unsoed members who participated in this training. LPET level 2 was undertaken by PETRA CIMSA Unsoed, Gusti Rama Dwitiya S. Ked, and Rania Nisrina Alifah S. Ked. The material presented started off with the basics about the health of pregnant women and continued on with maternal mental health (postpartum depression and baby blues).
In this webinar, we invited a survivor and psychologist counselor, Novy Yulianty M, Psi. Psikolog from Mother Hope Indonesia, a community that focuses on mental health in pregnant women. The webinar was held on Wednesday, May 20th, 2020 which lasted from 3 to 5 PM. She started the webinar with the definition of postpartum depression itself and the background of why postpartum depression can occur. It turns out that signs and symptoms of postpartum depression may differ from one individual to another. This webinar also emphasized how we can help mothers affected by postpartum depression and also tips to reduce negative stigma in the community about postpartum depression. Finally, she shared her story of how she realized that she was experiencing postpartum depression, she never dared to walk out of her home because there was a desire to dispose of her baby and a sense of annoyance every time she saw her baby. This went on until her husband finally realized and she consulted with a psychologist. She always emphasized that when visiting a mother who had just given birth we should also pay attention and ask the mother's news, not only focused on the newborn. We should give the mother an appreciation and congratulate her on her baby. The webinar participants were enthusiastic and active during the discussion and question and answer session.
On this occasion, we will also publish the webinar to CIMSA Unsoed's so that the webinar can be listened to by everyone. By doing so, we hope that more people can see things from a survivor's perspective and no longer bring negative stigma to mothers who have postpartum depression. We hope TEST PACK can provide more knowledge and increase awareness of the importance of the mental health of pregnant women.