

(Terminate Toxic and Abusive Relationship)


When you fell in love with someone, you want to believe the person you have chosen to be with can do no wrong, never hurt you, only wants the best for you, and yes, you two commit to respect and love each other. Sadly, this is not always true. However, the opposite happens sometimes, so that the relationship becomes unhealthy. One or more of the people involved exhibit behaviors that are not healthy and are not founded in mutual respect for the other person. Based on Catahu (2020) Komnas Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan Tahun 2019, Personal relationships (personal/dating relationships) violence reached 75% (11,105 cases), and every year it was consistently at the highest rate for the last five years.

Therefore, SCORP CIMSA FK Unila proudly presents “TERMINATOR (Terminate Toxic and Abusive Relationship)." The aim is to increase public awareness and knowledge about toxic and abusive relationships. It was held on Saturday, November 28th, 2020, via Zoom teleconference, attended by 150 participants from different age ranges and various regions for about 4 hours. 

Began with the opening from Vice Dean for Students Affairs and Alumni of FK Unila, continued with the webinar discussing toxic and abusive relationships by Wulan Ayu Ramadhani, M. Psi., Psychologist., CHt. from Pulih@The Peak. She explained some signs to look out for when assessing whether you are in a toxic or harmful relationship. Next was the Small Working Group, guided by the members of SCORP CIMSA FK Unila. In this session, all participants were divided into several groups to discuss the cases around them. At the end of the session, the representative of the group presents the results. The best presenter gets prizes. 

Continued with a talk show hosted by Indah Sundari Jayanti, M.Psi., A psychologist. She conveyed her message to young people, “Having been trapped in a toxic relationship is a bitter experience to remember. However, a toxic relationship can teach you a life lesson. You can also use the experience as a signpost so that you won’t get trapped into the same hole for the second time."

Based on the results of feedback from the participants, we got a positive response to this activity. We hoped that people could be more aware and understand the unhealthy relationship, including toxic and abusive relationships, through this activity.


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