(Tanggap Lawan Stunting, KEK, dan Anemia)
In the spirit of eradicating stunting, which is one of the focus work here in CIMSA, we have just completed our second intervention TALASEMIA, which was held on Saturday, September 21, 2019 in the Jatiroke village office hall from 09.00 am to 12:45 pm. In this intervention, we invited 3 speakers who were experts in their respective fields, namely dr. Dwi Oktari Erfianti, Sp. A, M.Kes as the Stunting resource person, dr. Dani Setiawan, Sp. OG, M. Kes as the speaker for Anemia material in Pregnancy, Euis Deningsih, SST as the speaker for Nutrition material and 1000 HPK.
In the first material about anemia in pregnancy, dr. Dani talked about the causes of anemia in pregnant women, how to avoid it and how to handle it. In this section, dr. Dani mainly answered the questions from the caders about maternal health and cases that often appear in the community. Then, in the second material about stunting, dr. Dwi Oktari or more familiarly called dr. Oki talked a lot about the impact of stunting on the welfare of the country and how to detect stunting as early as possible by using graphs both from WHO and from KMS so that when referred to pediatrics, the patient can be given an intervention so that growth returns to normal.
During the last lecture about nutrition for the first 1000 days of life, Mrs. Euis talked a lot about the importance of the first 1000 days of life, the importance of exclusive breastfeeding and when complementary food should be given. In addition, Mrs. Euis also talked about how a mother in the household can arrange the contents of her family's food dishes with complete nutrition. The audience was very excited and active. This can be seen from the many question asked to our speakers.
Furthermore, the three speakers all agreed that the caders are the front guards in health in the community, because after all the community will always listen to the caders because there are no communication barriers and the trust between them. Our speakers also encouraged the caders to spread the knowledge they have obtained from this occasion. We all hope that the caders who has joined TALASEMIA are able to become a role model in the community in guiding towards a healthier nation.