

(Skripsi Workshop and Training)


Based on data from the 2018 Global Innovation Index, Indonesia ranks 2nd from the bottom in research publications in Southeast Asia. Based on the 2015 Rencana Induk Riset Nasional (RIRN), Indonesia's research productivity is at 0.02 percent, far from the ideal figure of 15 percent. Furthermore, based on data from pre-project assessment through questionnaire filled out by 112 respondents, it was found that students of the Pendidikan Dokter, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran batch 2017 and 2018 had obstacles in making a thesis.

In November 2020, SCORE CIMSA FK Unpad, in collaboration with Seksi Pendidikan dan Profesi Himpunan Mahasiswa Kedokteran FK Unpad, held our annual events called SWAT X INSERSI 2020. Our goals are to enrich the 3rd-year students about the thesis since they are focusing on it at this moment, and also to prepare the students to increase quality of Indonesian journals. But since there’s a pandemic in our own country, this year SWAT X INSERSI was done virtually from Zoom meeting.

This year SWAT X INSERSI 2020 was divided into 2 intervention. The first intervention was held on 14th November 2020. Our discussion topic on this day is about general mini-thesis and its guidelines, with lecture about Writing An Interesting International Journal from dr. Ronny Lesmana. The participants also shared their ongoing thesis and discussed it with dr. Ronny and other participants. dr. Ronny also advises our participants about searching for reliable sources, improving their thesis, and much more.

The next intervention was held on 18th November 2020. This day's topics were delivered by dr. Indah Amelia, who talked about community research, dr. Mulya Nurmansyah Ardisasmita, who talked about Medical Record, dr. Budi Sujatmiko, who talked about Lab study, and dr. Mas Rizky Anggun Adipurna Syamsunarno, who talked about Literature Review. The Zoom meeting is divided into 4 breakout rooms, each speaker represents their own topics and lecturer. We also had our seniors, Hashfi Khairuddin, Manik Intan Gumilang, Namira Assyfa Nurazizah, and Fildza Intan Rizkia to help us by becoming the moderator of the day. 

Hopefully, SWAT X INSERSI 2020 can increase 3rd-year medical students of the Universitas Padjadjaran’s knowledge about thesis. We also hope that after SWAT X INSERSI 2020, the 3rd-year students will write a good thesis.


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