
Cancer is a type of non-communicable disease with an incidence that tends to increase every year. Data from WHO in 2010 stated that cancer ranks number two as the most common cause of death, under cardiovascular disease. Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) data in 2007 stated that cancer ranks seventh as the biggest cause of death in Indonesia. Breast cancer ranks first as the most common type of cancer suffered by women in the world and breast cancer contributes to 25% of the total new cancer cases diagnosed in 2012. In East Java, breast cancer ranks first as the most common type of cancer in the productive age population with a percentage of 16.9%.

Several things can cause breast cancer, namely the existence of genetic mutation in the cells that make it easier for cancer cells to arise, chronic irritation and inflammation which can then develop into cancer, solar radiation, X-rays, chemical compounds, cigarette smoke, oral contraceptives, and so on, as well as carcinogenic foods, for example, carbohydrate-rich foods that are processed by frying, salted fish, and so on. The risk factors for breast cancer are age >50 years, family history of breast cancer, obesity, smoking habits, alcohol consumption, long-term use of hormonal contraception, radiation exposure, never giving birth or giving birth for the first time at the age of over 35 years, and not breastfeeding.

In commemoration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and because of the high cases of breast cancer in Indonesia, SCORA CIMSA UNEJ had an activity called STRENGTH (Let's Fight Breast and Cervical Cancer Together). The STRENGTH series consists of LPET and social media campaigns. LPET will be held on 15th, October 2022 with speaker Vania Yuli (PETRA CIMSA UNEJ). The topic of this LPET is Breast and Cervical Cancer 101.

Apart from that, SCORA CIMSA UNEJ also held a social media campaign in the form of a video campaign about myths and facts about breast cancer. The campaign video was uploaded on TikTok on November 17th, 2022. Even though there were several changes to the series of events, the STRENGTH 2022 series of events went quite smoothly.

Standing Committee on Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights Including HIV & AIDS
Empowering Medical Students
Improving Nations Health


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