

(Stop Child Marriage Webinar during the Pandemic)


Child marriage is a serious human rights crisis and one of the most intimate development issues in the world today. Child marriage, a form of early and forced alliance, is nothing but dangerous and dangerous traditional norms and practices, which have a debilitating effect on the lives of especially girls. This is a dangerous practice that significantly undermines the best interests of girls. Child marriages are more common in poorer families and those with less education. The case of early marriage is nothing new in Indonesia. Early marriage is a social problem that occurs in adolescents, the most victims of early marriage are young girls. The common case is cases of early childhood marriage in rural areas in urban areas, and often occurs in poor, low-educated families and drop out of school students (Arivia et al., 2016). Starting in the 1990s, according to the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) the incidence of early marriage began to shift to urban areas, this has increased with an increase in cases of early childhood marriage in cities from 2% in 2015 to 37% in 2016 (Arivia et al., 2016 ). So it means that cases of early marriage can occur anywhere and anytime, for that parents and the environment must help their children get married at the right age.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, we as good citizens must be able to reduce the rate of child marriage in society. Through the Stop Child Marriage during a Pandemic Webinar (STOCIMADE) is a project of the SCORP Public Health Department of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, by inviting the resource person, dr. I Wayan Artana Putra, Sp.OG-KFM and also dr. Meivy Isnoviana.S.H, M.H.

The purpose of holding this event is to impart knowledge to medical students related to child marriage, educate medical students about the factors that affect child marriage, increase a sense of concern in an effort to minimize child marriage, see the impact of child marriage and also educate medical students about child marriage.

Precisely on September 27th, 2020 we held a Webinar via Zoom Meeting. For the main agenda, explaining the main topic, namely ‘What is Child Marriage’, the resource person explained about child marriage, the causes and factors of child marriage, explained the increasing number of child marriage cases during the COVID-19 pandemic, and ways to prevent child marriage. After that, we have a question and answer session through dropping some questions on the chat section on Zoom Meeting. The second resource person also provided material related to ethics in child marriage cases. We hope this event could increase participants’s knowledge about child marriage and also could help reducing child marriage.


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