
SPEARS 4th Intervention
(School Peer Educator Recruits

As human beings, we must understand and realize several things that need to stay on the line. No matter how close we have any relationship with anyone, those lines of privacy need to be kept safe and well. Unfortunately, some people have crossed those lines. As we are part of SCORA CIMSA UNAIR, we have our responsibility to hold a community development regarding our focus area. SCORA is also known as one of the standing committees that actively talk about taboo and sensitive topics such as gender-based violence, which is the theme of our fourth intervention in School Peer Educator Recruits (SPEARS) 2021.

We do believe that this is a big mission for all of us to educate the young generation, one of them is students from senior high school. The aim of SPEARS is to make and encourage our community of students from senior high schools in Surabaya. SPEARS has done three interventions in the last period with one bonding event. The fourth intervention was attended by community members from students of several Senior High Schools in Surabaya. This intervention was held on September 11th, 2021, and successfully went well.

Before the intervention, SCORA CIMSA UNAIR’s members have been done an upgrading of this material so, during the intervention, some of them became facilitators to lead the Focus Group Discussion. We want the community members to gain knowledge about gender-based violence, also how to avoid and handle it. The first speaker is dr. Azimatul Karimah, Sp.KJ(K), a delegate from Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kedokteran Jiwa Indonesia branch in Surabaya and also a lecturer in Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga. Azimatul Karimah, drSp.KJ(K) gave material about the definition, characteristics, and classification of gender-based violence in the general public and especially that often happened to high school students. The second speaker is Mr. Machrus from Yayasan Hotline Surabaya as the Program Manager. Mr. Machrus responded regarding the case of dark letters and gave some tips to overcome and avoid it.

The most interesting thing about this intervention is we did an assessment about dark letters that contains a lot of stories from general people who have become victims of gender-based violence. Those stories will be spoken again with an anonym system and have been asked for consent. We are looking forward to the fifth intervention with a greater event!


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