SGP 3: DRACOR - Observer SCORE CIMSA Unsoed

SGP 3: DRACOR - Observer SCORE CIMSA Unsoed


(Do The Research With SCORE)
Observer SCORE CIMSA Unsoed


Self-Efficacy of Preclinical Medical Students at Jenderal Soedirman University Class of 2020 towards Online Learning
Research has always been a topic that is considered difficult by medical students, even though research doesn’t only talk about non-clinical careers and scientific developments but also includes aspects of learning. The practice of clinical medicine is the implementation of "evidence-based medicine", it certainly cannot be separated from the skills of researchers in the medical field. Therefore, research is one of the most important experiences that a medical student must-have.

SGP (SCORE Goes Public) Level 3 is a project organized by the Observer SCORE CIMSA Unsoed with the title “DRACOR: Do The Research with SCORE”. The theme of this research is "Self-Efficacy of Preclinical Medical Students at Jenderal Soedirman University Class of 2020 towards Online Learning". SGP Level 3 aims to improve the knowledge and critical thinking skills of Observer SCORE CIMSA Unsoed members in the scope of real research and to promote research as the basis of scientific resources. In addition, the public also gets information on the results of the research through the online magazine and Instagram feeds publication.
SGP Level 3 is carried out through university-level research within a period of 3 months. SGP Level 3 is guided by dr. Raditya Bagas Wicaksono as research tutor. The target of this study was medical students of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman batch 2020. Data collection was carried out through the google form platform. The final result of this research is research articles along with publication feeds made by Observer SCORE CIMSA Unsoed members.

This research got a good response from the members and the respondents themselves. 100 respondents have participated in this research. Members themselves experienced an increase in research interest by an average of 17%. Instagram feeds containing research results get an average of 40 likes. Although SGP Level 3 was an online-based project, this research has succeeded in bringing benefits to Observer SCORE CIMSA Unsoed members and providing an overview of the respondents' overall self-efficacy.

SGP Level 3 is one of the tangible manifestations of CIMSA Unsoed in creating reliable medical students in various fields, as well as a form of support for clinical medical practice which is the implementation of "evidence-based medicine". In the end, this project is the first step for CIMSA Unsoed in conducting research that is much larger and has more impact in the future.


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