SFLS 3.0
(SCOME for LIve Saving)
CIMSA UNRI successfully held SFLS 3.0on Saturday, 29th May 2021 from 13:00 am - 15:40 am. This activity was held online via Zoom Meeting due to the COVID – 19 situation that occurred around the world and there is still a prohibition to organize large groups of people to break the chain of spreading the virus.
The World Health Organization estimates that it takes at least 1% of the total population to donate blood to meet the minimum blood requirements in a country. Globally, 70 countries have blood donor rates less than the optimum level, which is 10/1000 of the population.SFLS 3.0 is a campaign that will give usthe answer and facts about blood donors.We hope this event can get usa better understanding of blood donors activity and the benefit. Hopefully, this event will also raise ourawareness of fulfilling blood needs.
Before SFLS 3.0activities started, there is a training first for all of the committees. This training was conducted on Saturday, 15th May 2021 at 09.00 am - 11.00am. This training activity was attended by the entire committees (OC) and the material was delivered by one of the Medical Education Trainers (MET) from CIMSA FK UNRI, namely Diwa Maswitra, from SCOME. The material presented is related to development of blood donation activities and introduction also basic explanation blood donorsand blood requirementsin health sector. In addition, the trainer, Diwa Maswitraalso told the prevalence of blood donorsand blood requirementsin Indonesiato the participants.
This activity consist of onemain parts. Thatpart was sharing the explanation by dr. Dian I. K Singgih, Head of Management Section from UTD Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI), Pekanbaruon Zoom Meeting. The information that we shared consists ofhistory of blood donation activities, conditions of fulfilling blood needs in Indonesia (especially in Riau / Pekanbaru) and the level of blood needs, as well as public interest in blood donors, requirements for a donor, obstacles / restrictions for donors, testing that needs to be done before blood donation, methods conduct blood donation, referral to donors before and after blood donation, and the level of blood requirementsby patients, especially in the current COVID-19 pandemic situation.