SEXPLORATION : LARYNX (Let's Learn Basic Sexual Education) - SCORA CIMSA FK UNS

SEXPLORATION : LARYNX (Let's Learn Basic Sexual Education) - SCORA CIMSA FK UNS


Hello, CIMSA!
Larynx "Let's Learn Basic Sexual Education", held on 3-4 September, was a series of events that have the goal of educating peers about the importance of basic sexual education and types of sexual harassment also ways to prevent it. Data spoke that 84% of teens aged 12-17 years have not gotten any sexual education. This inadequate knowledge of basic sexual education has led to several problems such as teen pregnancy, congenital defects in babies, abortion, dropout, child marriage, divorce, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Data by the National Commission for Child Protection proved that children in Indonesia have been actively having sex in young age. Based on a survey in 33 Provinces of Indonesia, 22.6% of teens have had sex, 97% have watched pornography, and 21.26% have done abortions. On the other hand, sexual harassments of children still keep recurring. This is reinforced by data from the National Commission for Child Protection which states that sexual violence against children is the highest level of violence compared to physical and psychological violence. The inadequate understanding of basic sexual education and the high prevalence of sexual harassment on children are the reasons underlying SCORA CIMSA FK UNS to make Larynx.

The goal of this project is to increase the knowledge of at least 30 FK UNS students about basic sexual and reproductive health by 20% through pretest and posttest when the training is completed. This series of events started with one-day pre-activity training, where PETRA was invited to talk about basic sexual education while Yayasan Kakak educated the participant about sexual harassment of children.

Then, on the next day, the participants of the Pre-activity training went to the Car Free Day event to educate the society of Surakarta about what they have learned the day before. This action was met with great enthusiasm from the people, making it easier for the medical students to educate them. Many questions were asked, and it shows how people were really interested in these topics that we brought up. By doing this activity, SCORA CIMSA FK UNS hopes to be able to help people, especially the people of Surakarta, to realize the importance of basic sexual education and sexual harassment of children.

Standing Committee on Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights Including HIV & AIDS

Empowering Medical Students
Improving Nation's Health


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