(Stop Wasting Food for Longer Earth Life)
Food waste becomes one of the major environmental problems. In Indonesia, food waste contributes the most number of waste compared to any other types of waste. Based on the data from Sistem Pengolahan Sampah Nasional (SIPSN) Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, in Java alone, 46.75% of waste comes from food. Based on the survey conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) in 2017, Indonesia is the second largest food wasters in the world, with approximately 300 kg waste per person per year. In addition to this, Indonesia becomes the second lowest performers in reducing food loss and waste. Therefore, this issue needs to be addressed.
In celebration of the World Environment Day, we create this event called SAFARI (Stop Wasting Food for Longer Earth Life). The sole purpose of this event is to raise public awareness and give them understanding about food waste and its effect on climate change in order to solve environmental problems.
SAFARI is a webinar via Zoom and Youtube held by SCORP CIMSA UI targeting the public audience. It was held on Saturday, October 17th, 2020 with a total of 311 participants from various regions in Indonesia. It brought up the issue about food waste. The guest speakers at this event were Rahmawati from Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Provinsi DKI Jakarta and Saka Dwi Hanggara from Waste4Change. The event went well despite being online and the participants were very enthusiastic given the number of questions asked by the participants throughout the webinar.
In this event, we evaluate the impact of this event through a test conducted before and after the webinar. There was an increase of the post-test score by 17.33% that shows the positive impact of SAFARI 2020 on raising participants’ awareness about this issue. From the satisfaction questionnaire, we also know that 69.1% participants become more interested in environmental issue and most of them were very satisfied with this event, with the average score of 3.65/4. In this questionnaire, they also stated their plans about how to spread the awareness about food waste to public.
In summary, we hope that this event could give much more impact to solve environmental problems. We are very open to any suggestions and critics about our event.