(There is Nothing Different with Us)
In general, the definition of Gender is the difference that appears between men and women when viewed from values and behaviors. The Encyclopedia Women Studies explained that Gender is a cultural concept, trying to make a difference in terms of roles, behaviors, mentalities, and emotional characteristics between men and women who develop in society.
Gender equality is a state of equality between men and women in legal rights and the conditions or quality of life are the same. Gender equality is one of the rights of every human being. Gender is the differentiation of roles, attributes, traits, attitudes, and behaviors that grow and develop in society. Gender roles are divided into productive roles, reproductive roles and social roles.
Gender differences can sometimes lead to injustice against men and especially women. Gender inequality can manifest in various forms of injustice. This gender injustice occurs because there are still many people who do not understand and are not aware of how important the implementation of gender equality is. That is what prompted us as the committee to hold the RIGHTS (There is Nothing Different with Us) National Webinar and Workshop event, which is expected with this event, participants can gain knowledge or broader insights about gender equality and be able to implement the knowledge gained for the environment and surroundings.
This activity was conducted considering there are many gender gaps, especially in the current pandemic era, SCORP Department of Public Health Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya held a National Webinar and Workshop RIGHTS (There is Nothing Different with Us) through ZOOM Meeting media by inviting speakers Sri Juwita Kusumawardhani M.Psi., Psikolog and Tasya Kamila. The purpose of this activity is to increase knowledge related to gender equality and it is also expected that participants are able to implement the obtained information in their social environment.
This event was held on July 18, 2021, we started this Webinar and Workshop through ZOOM Meeting media. For the main agenda, which is to explain the main topic, namely Gender Equality, the first speaker explains the situation of gender equality in the current era, and also explains how gender inequality can affect the state of mental health. Then after the presentation continued with the question and answer session by the speakers and participants.
After that, continued with the second speaker by sharing experiences related to gender equality. After the presentation, a question and answer session was held by the speakers and participants.
Hopefully, the goal that we expect from this event is to increase knowledge about gender equality and it is hoped that participants are able to implement it in their social environment, so that the incidence of gender inequality or gender discrimination in Indonesia can be reduced.