Indonesia is one of the biggest country resulting plastic waste in the world. It spreads along the coastline of Indonesia and comes from the activity of peoples. This problem had contributed to the climate change of the earth. Production of plastic adding a massive carbon (metana) and its affect the entire atmosphere, causing the increase of temperature of the earth. REUSE consist of four events, there are Pre-Activity Training, Ground Campaign, Air Campaign, and Webinar. All of these events was held and succesfully occurred.
First, Pre-Activity Training was held on April 15th, 2022. It was held to train all of SCORP CIMSA FK Unila members to increase their knowledge about plastic pollution and climate change. With Reisyah Dinda Syafira, fresh graduated trainer from SCORP CAMP 2022, also as LORP CIMSA FK Unila, we’ve learned about environmental sustainability.
The Ground Campaign was held on April 17th, 2022. SCORP CIMSA FK Unila collaborated with PMPATD PAKIS RESCUE TEAM. We did a great impact in reducing plastic waste at Gunung Kunyit Beach View. Furthermore, together with @ecobrick_lpg, we made ecobrick with plastic waste that was collected from the beach.
For the Air Campaign, we uploaded a video to persuade peoples to be consider about the preservation of nature. Through this campaign, we educated peoples about plastic waste and gave a solution to make an ecobrick due to reducing plastic waste.
Webinar is the last part of REUSE, that was held on April 23rd, 2022. With two professional speakers, DR. Veni Devialesti, S.P., M.M. from Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota Bandar Lampung and Ibu Marta Muslin from Indonesian Waste Platform, we’ve learned about Bandar Lampung environment and the correlation to plastic waste also how to reduce the use of plastic. Furthermore, we also learned about global warming and talkshow with Indonesian Waste Platform.
Moreover, we also have a merchandise to support our campaign about plastic waste. We made a shirt and totebag special edition REUSE, with a text ‘reuse the past, recycle the present, save the future’. This merchandise was collaborated with @jcloudlpg.
On Pre-activity Training we have trained 20 members of SCORP CIMSA FK Unila. On Ground Campaign, through collaboration with PAKIS, we have collected 40 peoples to clean the beach from plastic waste and made an ecobrick as a result from this part of event. Air Campaign, we targeted 100 likes and 200 views, untill now there are 98 likes and 450 views. Also on Webinar and Talkshow, we targeted 30 participants, and there was 40 participants on webinar and talkshow. And then, we targeted 10 products of merchandise to be sold, in a real, we successfully sold 10 products of our merchandise.
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