

(Raise and Talk about Interprofessional Education)


The faculty development interprofessional education program was an expanding (mind and soul) experience for me to interact with other health workers in various health professions…an opportunity to share with like-minded people in other professions who value interprofessional education and are committed to bringing it about (WHO, 2010). Collaborative interprofessional practice is an important means of providing effective care to people with complex health problems. Interprofessional education (IPE) is assumed to enhance interprofessional practice despite challenges to demonstrate its efficacy. Interprofessional teams enhance the quality of patient care, lower costs, decrease patients' length of stay, and reduce medical errors. The goal of IPE is for students to learn how to function in an interprofessional team and carry this knowledge, skill, and value into their future practice, ultimately providing interprofessional patient care as part of a collaborative team and focused on improving patient outcomes. This article argue that Interprofessional education lead medical students as a future health care worker how to work in a team especially in this era due to increase number of patients but not accompanied by good cooperation between health workers so that sometimes mistakes can occur. Medical student is should be known about team work, because they will carry health care in the future to improve health sector in the society. Team work is the important aspect in Interprofessional education. Interprofessional education occurs when students from two or more professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes. Interprofessional education is an opportunity to not only change the way that we think about educating future health workers, but is an opportunity to step back and reconsider the traditional means of healthcare delivery (WHO, 2010).

As the celebration of National Health Collaboration Day SCOME Public Health Department of Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya held a Webinar RETYPE (Raise and Talk about Interprofessional Education) via Zoom Meeting by inviting dr. Iswandi Janetputra Turu’ Allo MM,Sci and dr. Meivy Isnoviana S.H, M.H as our speakers. The purpose of we held this event because we want to introducing about the importance of Interprofessional Education about collaborative practice and team work in medical education to improve nation’s health.


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