
(Research Technique dari Nol)

RETINOL, Research Technique dari Nol, is one of CIMSA UGM’s activities from SCORE. RETINOL has the main goal: to educate medical students in Indonesia about the basics of research technique.
More than three decades, SCORE has provided medical students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in the specific area of their research interest. As for SCORE CIMSA, besides providing medical students the exchange opportunity, we also focus on establishing activities that would improve medical students’ skill on research as well as raising awareness about the importance of doing research.
Due to the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, we still cannot experience this year’s RETINOL as an offline event. However, the organizing committees tried to carry out this event as close to the actual situation as we could. Therefore, RETINOL has three main sessions; the first one is publishing a podcast, doing a talk show, and then we had a workshop.

First, we had dr. Arditya Damar Kusuma, M.Med(Clin Epi), Sp.JP from Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatic Unit UGM, and Enrique Aldrin, a 4th-year medical student who actively engaged in research competitions, to talk about research techniques from the basics. The podcast “Penelitian? Yuk Belajar Tekniknya dari Nol!” has been published at Spotify CIMSA Happy Hour on September 27th, 2021.
Next up, in the talk show “Research Updates in Medical Departments”, we had 3 doctors from the different departments in FKKMK UGM as the speakers; dr. Dyah Wulan Anggrahini, Ph.D, Sp.JP (K) from Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Department, dr. Rina Triasih, M.Med(Paed), Ph.D, Sp.A (K) from Child Health Department, and dr. Sumadi Lukman Anwar, M.Sc., Ph.D, Sp.B from Surgery Department. Moderated by Sarah Salsabila, CIMSA UGM’s senior, we dipped on research topic updates and the criteria of each department.

Last but not least, we took the participants on the workshop “Writing a Research Proposal” at the breakout rooms. In these small groups, we planned and designed a research proposal facilitated by CIMSA UGM’s alumni; dr. Gloria Amanda Putri, dr. Dicky Yulianda, dr. Talitha Najmillah, and dr. Sagita Mega Sekar Kencana. We were all having fun determining the topic, discussing the research background, identifying the problems, thinking about the objectives, looking for papers relevant for the literature review, as well as picking which method suited our research.

RETINOL Talk Show and Workshop as the main event was held on October 3rd, 2021. We hope this event will open many new opportunities and widen the knowledge of Indonesian medical students.


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