(Researcher's Future In Indonesia)
According to SCImago, the number of researchers in Indonesia in two and a half decades are relatively low with only 158.733 research publications (1996-2019) and ranked 47th in the world. From the assessment we have conducted on 129 respondents consisting of FKKMK medical student, in general, the highest choice of career path is the clinical path. Other than that, knowledge regarding research are still low. Whereas research cannot be separated from medicine. It can be said that the knowledge about research and research prospects still need to be improved.
On 11th October 2020, SCORE CIMSA UGM proudly held webinar namely ‘Researchers' Future in Indonesia (RETINA)’. The first speaker of this webinar was dr. Jarir At Thobari, D.Pharm., Ph.D. from the Department of Pharmacology and Therapy, FK-KMK UGM with the material ‘Prospect Research in Medical Field’. We learned about research environment in Indonesia, challenge in industrial revolution 4.0, value in the fields of healthcare and caregiving, and many more.
The second speaker, dr. Gunadi, Ph.D., Sp.B.A. from the Department of Surgery FKKMK UGM presented the material ‘Tips Menjadi Penulis dan Peneliti yang Sukses’. dr. Gunadi conveyed how to become a clinician as well as a researcher, International journal publications, genectics working group (Pokja Genetik), and others.
We really hope that RETINA can increase research interest and knowledge about the prospects of researchers who can contribute to improving national health