

(Prevent Tuberculosis and Change The Stigma)


Tuberculosis is one of the top 10 causes of death and the leading cause of infectious agents. In 2017, Tuberculosis caused approximately 1.3 million deaths (range, 1.2-1.4 million) among HIV-negative people, and there were about 300,000 deaths due to Tuberculosis (range, 266,000-335,000) among HIV-positive people. It is estimated that there are 10 million new TB cases (degree, 9-11 million) equivalent to 133 cases (range, 120-148) per 100,000 population.
According to WHO that estimates there are about 23,000 cases of MDR/RR in Indonesia. In 2017 there were 442,000 TB cases recorded in the program. An estimated 8,600-15,000 MDR / RR TB (an estimate of 2.4% of new cases and 13% of previously treated Tuberculosis patients), but coverage only 27.36% treated.
Source: WHO
Based on the background, SCOPH CIMSA FK YARSI took the initiative to hold a webinar. We call it PULSE (Prevent Tuberculosis & Change the Stigma). Apart from commemorating Tuberculosis Day, which is celebrated on March 24, this event also aims to give more information and change the negative stigma regarding Tuberculosis to the general public.

PULSE was held on May 8, 2021, in a zoom meeting platform by inviting dr. Rio Fajar Utomo as a speaker, delivered material for Tuberculosis itself, starting from what is Tuberculosis, its adverse health effects, the prevalence of Tuberculosis levels in Indonesia, how to prevent it, and many more that were mentioned by dr. Rio Fajar Utomo at the time of the webinar PULSE. Before the webinar, we also conducted an air campaign in the form of a challenge to fill in the Tuberculosis myth or facts template on Instagram stories and twibbon celebrating World Tuberculosis Day 2021.
There was about a 14% increase in the pre-test and post-test results of the participant's webinar. Over than 50 people attending this webinar with their enthusiasm. This indicates that the participant's knowledge about Tuberculosis is increasing. We can conclude that the dissemination of information in this webinar is quite broad and well-targeted. We hope that this project can advance public knowledge and remove the negative stigma about Tuberculosis itself.


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