
(Protection of Human Rights for Refugees during Covid-19 Pandemic)

Greetings, CIMSA!
In commemoration of the International Day of Peace on 21st September 2021, SCORP CIMSA Lokal UNISSULA held PROGRAM “Protection of Human Rights for Refugees during the Covid-19 Pandemic”. Refugees are people who are outside their country of nationality and cannot to return to their country of origin due to fear of persecution due to various reasons such as race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or participation in a social group. These refugees have basic rights, one of which is the right to health, which is a fundamental right in human rights and an inclusive right, so that all human beings can have it. This right also includes non-discrimination for anyone in accessing health, including refugees.
Currently, there are still many refugees whose rights to health have not been fulfilled, they are still difficult to get access to health facilities and get proper health services. This resulted in the health of the refugees being neglected and being attacked by various infectious and non-communicable diseases. In addition, environmental aspects in refugee camps also affect their physical and mental health, such as gender-based violence to poor hygiene and healthy living (PHBS).

Therefore, SCORP CIMSA Lokal UNISSULA held PROGRAM activities with the aim to increase the knowledge and awareness of the Indonesian people, especially medical students regarding the enforcement of the rights and health of refugees in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
The first activity carried out was Pre-Activity training for SCORP CIMSA Lokal UNISSULA members. This activity was carried out on 21st September 2021 through a zoom meeting. This aims to determine the meaning of Refugees, the types and issues of problems regarding Refugees, the distribution areas of refugees in Indonesia, as well as the role and methods of medical students in helping to deal with refugee problems. Before giving the material by the trainer, a pretest is carried out to assess how much the members know about the material to be presented. After being given the material, the event continued with a posttest to assess the understanding of the material that had been obtained.

The next activity is the Aircampaign  by using instagram @cimsaunissula which will be held on 1st October 2021. Then on 3rd October 2021, Talkshow PROGRAM was held as a closing event from a series of activities to celebrate the International Day of Peace PROGRAM using the zoom meeting. The PROGRAM Talkshow presented two speakers from the Sisterhood Community Center, a community learning center that is engaged in promoting the rights and welfare of refugees, especially female refugees. As a talk show speaker who will explain the condition of refugees during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Semarang which is an institution engaged in providing legal aid services. As a talk show speaker who will explain about legal protection for refugees.

With this activity, it is hoped that it can increase the knowledge and awareness of the Indonesian people, especially medical students regarding the enforcement of the rights and health of refugees in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic so that the welfare of refugees can be achieved. 


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