(Explore Research Knowledge by Reading)
Held by SCORE CIMSA FK Unpad, PROBE, or Explore Research Knowledge by Reading, is a 1 month project that consists of three main events. This includes SCORE Goes Public Level 1, 3, and a reading challenge.
First intervention was SCORE Goes Public Level 1, which is an activity for SCORE members to gain knowledge and interest in research. Slightly different from the previous years, our target isn’t only the SCORE members, but also all medical students of FK Unpad. It was held on 9th August 2021 through Zoom Meeting. The first session was a lecture given by Dr. Yulia Sofiatin, dr., Sp.PD about “How to Start a Research” and the second session was a training course titled “Analyze Data Using SPSS” taught by Dhestar Wirawan from STATIONS.ID. We’re collaborating with STATIONS.ID, a consultant agency and BEM Kema FK Unpad as media partner. After this intervention, we discovered that there’s a correlation between research and interest in reading.
The second intervention is called SCORE Goes Public Level 3, which is an activity for all SCORE members to do the research itself. Our output is the publication of an infographic with the selected topic on CIMSA FK UNPAD’s Instagram at the end of September 2021. We’re collaborating with CIMSA alumni who have a lot of experience in the field of research and publication, Fachreza Aryo Damara, S.Ked, as a research mentor. Slightly different from the initial output goal, there’s an additional goal in the form of research journal publications. We’re currently in the data collecting stage by distributing online questionnaires until the number of respondents are sufficient.
On top of all, our third intervention aims to increase people's interest in reading. This intervention includes an air campaign, 2 weeks reading challenge, and Instagram Live. We partnered up with TemanBacaIndonesia to bring Indah Nurbaeti, the founder, as our speaker and media partner. Surprisingly, we found the level of enthusiasm for this event was far beyond our expectation. Which was shown by the liveliness within the participants’ group chat. In the middle of the challenge, we also organized a “Sharing Session” via Zoom Meeting on September 3rd 2021. There, we separate the participants into small groups, so they can share their experience on reading freely. To keep track of their progress on reading, we give them a form every 2 days. In addition, the challenge is followed by an air campaign on members’ Instagram account that contains fun facts about reading habits and Indonesia’s reading interest problems.
The winners are considered by some factors which includes their reading progression, originality, and the most liked book review that were uploaded on CIMSA FK Unpad’s Instagram account for the favorite winner. The event ends with an Instagram Live themed “The Power of Reading” on September 11th 2021 at CIMSA FK Unpad’s Instagram account.
Hopefully, this activity can bring new knowledge, experience, sum up the big picture of conducting research to all of the SCORE members, and increase people’s interest in reading.