(Prevent Disaster With CIMSA)
Indonesia is designated as one of the most disaster-prone countries, such as disaster. Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) noted that flood disasters from the beginning of 2020 had occurred 555 times in Indonesia.
Losses caused by floods are often challenging to overcome by both the community and related agencies. Series of floods that occur in a relatively short time and are repeated every year caused a requirement of tremendous effort to anticipate them and minimize the losses. Also, many people do not know what readiness needs to be done before, during, and after the flood, specifically in Indonesia.
Therefore, CIMSA UNEJ and TBM Vertex held an activity called PREDICT (Prevent Disaster with CIMSA and TBM) to increase knowledge and awareness of the general public about disaster management and disaster prevention efforts. PREDICT consists of several series of events. The main event is a webinar and workshop held on August 27, 2021. We invite Mr. Heru Widagdo, SP., M.Si, the Jember District Regional Management Agency (BPBD Kabupaten Jember) secretary, to speak in our webinar. After the webinar, the event proceeded with a plastic recycling workshop. The workshop is carried out by Mr. M. Ikbal Alexander as the Managing Director of Kertabumi Recycling Center. In the workshop, participants were given information about waste and how to manage the waste properly, especially plastic waste. PREDICT also held a competition that involves the workshop participants. Workshop participants can submit photos of their work, and the best work will get a prize from the committee.
PREDICT also did several social media campaigns, such as a campaign video, infographics about PFA that collaborated with IBU Foundation, also Instagram live with RRI Pro 2 Jember. Instagram Live has been held on 27th August 2021, and the infographic has been uploaded on the CIMSA UNEJ Instagram account on 31st August 2021.
The participants' responses to PREDICT series (webinar, workshop, social media campaigns, and Instagram Live) are transcendent. It can be seen from the number of webinar and workshop participants and the number of Instagram Live views. Overall, all of the PREDICT series activities went well, and we're happy to be able to bring this topic to the public.