


Hello CIMSA! At Saturday, 3 November 2018 SCORP CIMSA UNEJ held project called POWER RANGER in short of Empowering Children To Eradicate Occupational Disease In Jember. Check this out!

    POWER RANGER is a project that is routinely held by SCORP CIMSA UNEJ. This project held because of in Jember the number of child labour are very high, now we made our intervention at jelbuk village. Jember are known for its tobacco production not only in Indonesia but in the world as well. Children (age 7-15) in here often help their parents to farm at the fields rather than studying at school. This kind of phenomenon shouldn’t have happened because our Ministry of National Education held their program twelve years compulsory education from Elementary School 6 years, Junior High School 3 years, and Senior High School 3 years. Therefore it happened mostly come from financial problem. The parents let their son to do what they want studying or start working is up to them, although there are parents who told them to quit studying because it’s spend  a lot of money. Working in agricultural area is very dangerous, like if you use pesticide in field and not wearing any Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) the pepticide can be inhaled and if it happened over and over again it can be a disease especially in respiratory system because it contain a lots of substance that shouldn’t be in our lungs.


    Thats why we held this project, our aim are increasing of knowledge in children age 7-15 of the importance of studying and wearing any Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) also how to live hygiene with simple activities like washing hands before eat, wash feet after playing outside and many more. The children looked very excited when we teach them how to wash hand with six steps!. We are working with social communities called YPSM (Yayasan Prakarsa Swadaya Masyarakat) and HIMAKES FISIP UNEJ. YPSM are non profit organization, they focusing on children education and every saturday they held a non formal school at shelter.


    Other than gave the children knowledge, we also held medical check up for all people at jelbuk village  and search data for BPJS ownership because right now all people who live in Indonesia must have BPJS or health insurance from the Indonesian government, it help people a lot especially for a family that have a financial problem. Before this project was held we gave them pre test and after that we gave post test. The results of post test showed that they are now understand how important to wearing PPE on daily life. That’s it for our project report, see you next time CIMSA!


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