In the current pandemic situation, we are required to be able to manage everything. The examples are we have to manage our tasks, the economy, and regulate your own stress level. Nowadays, levels of stress and depression are increase. So that we are required to be able to reduce the level of anxiety, both for ourselves and those around us.
The 3rd intervention was a webinar which was held by CIMSA UKDW on Sunday, October 25th, 2020, involving the POMENA community. There were 60 participants who participated and the speaker was dr. Lucas Nando Nugraha, M.Biomed. One of the goals is to increase their management of stress. So that, the participants can survive during this pandemic, and also can prevent and respond the other mental problems.
On this project, we invited competent speakers with his experiences and educational backgrounds. The topic of this webinar was ‘How to Be Productive During Pandemic’. We started this webinar with prayer first then continued by speech from LOCO CIMSA UKDW and Project Officer of this activity.
Before starting the webinar, we held a pre-test to measure how far the participants knew about this general knowledge of stress management. This was followed by a core event by the speaker. The speaker is very interactive with the participants and sometimes he asked to the participants. The participants were very enthusiastic to ask some questions to the speaker. Besides, we also gave a mini game to the participants. In this session, the participants were very enthusiastic about guessing the pictures and they got the door prizes that had been provided before. After that, we gave a post-test to measure participants’ knowledge about the material.
Gratefully, there is an increase of participants' insight after listening to the speaker about stress management. Arriving at the end of the event, we opened the evaluation assessment to the participants. The results obtained make us happy and satisfied because we can run 3rd intervention about ‘How To Be Productive During Pandemic’ which was carried out online successfully.