(Pekan Intensif Kenali Kanker Payudara)
Breast cancer becomes an important health issue to discuss because it is the most common malignancy found. It was revealed that there were 585,256 emerging cases diagnosed in 2018, which was about 16.7% of all kind of cancers (Globocan, 2019). It is suffice to say that breast cancer is a scourge for society, especially women, although this cancer can also attack men. Commemorating Breast Cancer Awareness which falls in October, SCORA CIMSA UMM held PINKY (Pekan Intensif Kenali Kanker Payudara) project.
Before this project was started, we had collected data for assessment, with more than 100 respondents were involved from the public. Based on the assessment, it was found that a lot of respondents did not know comprehensively about the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. In addition, the majority of respondents also did not know what is SADARI and how to perform it. These two reasons became the reason for conceptualizing the entire PINKY project.
Our project started with an air campaign containing education about breast cancer and breast self-examination or Periksa Payudara Sendiri (SADARI) techniques. Then we also held training aimed at members of SCORA CIMSA UMM with the topic of ‘SADARI'. It didn't stop there, PINKY collaborated with Love Pink and held a Instagram Live on October 23rd, 2020. We also talked with breast cancer survivors; Ms. Fransiska Yani and Ms. Anita Dwi Sulistyowati.
The PINKY Project was closed with a webinar on October 25th, 2020. This webinar brought the theme of ‘Raising Awareness on Breast Cancer’ which was followed with approximately 210 participants from all over Indonesia. PINKY had the opportunity to talk and discuss with Dr.dr. Mochamad Bachtiar Budianto, SpB (K) Onk, from Perhimpunan Ahli Bedah Onkologi Indonesia (PERABOI). We discussed about ‘Breast Cancer, Early Detection, and Screening’. Then we continued the discussion with dr. Dewi Masitha, Sp.GK. She is a clinical nutrition specialist from the Muhammadiyah Lamongan hospital and an alumni of medical faculty of UMM in 2003. With her, we had a discussion about ‘The Relationship between Diet with Risks and Preventive Efforts for Breast Cancer’.
By helding and completing this project, SCORA CIMSA UMM hopes to provide insight and education about breast health.