(Persiapan Ujian Bersama CIMSA)
On Friday, 11thJune 2021, CIMSA USU conducted the sixth intervention of Community Development Project called PERISAI (Persiapan Ujian Bersama CIMSA). This intervention was held online using Zoom. We discussed the 2nd Hematology and Immunology block's problem on this intervention. We began at 7.00 pm and ended at 9.40 pm.
PERISAI is the first community development project by CIMSA USU. The target of this community development project is to assist Universitas Sumatera Utara’s first-year medical student in preparing for their midterm examination. Besides that, we also hope that by making this project it can improve the quality of hospital workers, especially doctors in the future.
There were 78 participants who joined on this intervention. At 7.00 pm, the intervention began with an introduction from the MC, followed by greetings from the Local Coordinator CIMSA USU, Community Development Coordinator and Community Development Officer. After the greetings, we took a photo together. Then,the participants were put to the breakout room according to their groups and did a pre-test to assess their knowledge before the discussion began.
After that, mentor will help them to answer 30 questions that had been prepared by the committee about the block. They took the post-test after the discussion and then returned to the zoom’s main room. Because this was the last intervention for this period, we also showed them a compilation video about the previous intervention and gave awards for the most active participant from each group.
From this intervention, most of the participant’s score improved after the discussion. According to the pretest and post-test result, the average score before the coaching was 44,2. But after the intervention the average score for the post-test increased by 51,6 points. The average score for post-test was 95,8. Based on the evaluation questionnaire, the participants could understood the explanation from the mentors and felt confident for the test.
After the intervention, we are happy to see that the participants were active in answering and asking during the discussion with the mentors. From this event, we do hope that this intervention would be able to help the first-year medical students of Universitas Sumatera Utara in their preparation for the examination. We also hope that after joining the sixth intervention of PERISAI, the participants will have more confidence in answering the exam’s questions and will eventually gain a better result on this exam.