(Persiapan Ujian Bareng CIMSA)
On November 6th, 2020, CIMSA USU held the second intervention of community development called PERISAI (Persiapan Ujian Bareng CIMSA). This intervention was held online via Zoom platform. Participants consist of first-year medical students of USU and mentors from CIMSA USU’s member. This intervention aims to help participants to face midterm exam of the 2nd Basic Biology of Cell’s Block.
The event began at 7.30 pm, started with opening by the moderator, followed by greetings by Local Coordinator CIMSA USU, Community Development Coordinator, and Community Development Officer. Then, participants do pre-test questions to measure participants' knowledge before the discussion began.
Furthermore, participants and mentors would enter the breakout room to start the disscussion about the exercise questions. The questions discussed were related to the 2nd Basic Biology of Cell Block. Apart from discussing the questions, there was also a sharing session with the mentors. After discussion, participans done the post-test, and backed to main room and intervention was closed by moderator at 9.50 pm.
This 2nd intervention of PERISAI was attended by enthusiastic participants. They looked excited during the disscussion. Most of them were participants in first intervention of PERISAI. They were very satisfied with first intervention and decided to take SHIELD Intervention 2 so they could prepare for the midterm exam of second Basic Biology of Cell Block.
After the intervention, we found that there was an increase in the participants' knowledge of the topic . We can see from the pre-test and post-test results of 120 participants. At the pre-test, it was found that the average score of participants was 37.67, meanwhile in the post-test, the average score of participants was 76. It can be concluded that there was an increase in the average score of participants' knowledge by 38,33.
We hope that after this second intervention PERISAI participants can be confident to face midtrem exam of second Basic of Biology Cell Block. We hope that participants can do the best to the exam, and get satisfactory results. We also hope that participants would be more excited and enthusiast to join the next intervention of PERISAI.