The cause of cervical cancer is Human Papilloma Virus. Cervical cancer is also affected by sexual activities at a young age, by varying degrees, socially, and so forth (Titisari, I. 2022). Some studies have found the fact that the causes of breast cancer are herders (Yani, Y.2020).
According to Indonesia's 2020 cancer data, breast cancer is at 166% and cervical cancer reaches 9.2% of Indonesia's 396,914 new cancer cases. The high incidence of breast and cervical cancer in Indonesia is due, among other things, to the late screening of cancer patients. The tardiness in breast cancer patients for initial examinations reached more than 80% and led to many advanced-stage cases, while cervical cancer patients were up to 70% and led to the discovery of stages II and III (Dyanti, 2016).
A preliminary examination of breast and cervical cancer symptoms conducted by the government to control breast cancer is Periksa Payudara Sendiri (SADARI) and Inspeksi Visual dengan Asam Asetat (IVA) for cervical cancer (Kemenkes, 2019).
Thus, PEREMPUAN was organized to educate and alert communities so that they could detect cancer's symptoms ahead of time and be treated medically
Standing Committee on Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights Including HIV & AIDS
Empowering Medical Students
Improving Nations Health