
PDT 2020

(Pre Departure Training)


There are many things from various aspects that we have to prepare to take part in a student exchange program. We have to know about the culture, the regulations, and also the environment of the country. We have to know and obey the cultural and ethical differences between every country, according to the quote ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans’. To help the outgoing candidates knowing about the basic bioethics on an exchange, SCOPE CIMSA FK UNS held a training called Pre-Departure Training.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Pre-Departure Training SCOPE CIMSA UNS 2020 was held online by Zoom Meeting. This training was attended by 12 outgoing candidates with different country destinations. The event begins with training and socialization about IFMSA, administrative flow, and what documents need to be prepared for the exchange program. This socialization session was delivered by the Local Exchange Officer (LEO) SCOPE CIMSA FK UNS, Steven Leonard. During the presentation, the participants looked conducive and quite interactive.

The second presentation is about bioethics on an exchange delivered by Adji Suwandono, MD, S.H., Sp. F, an expert in the field of bioethics. This bioethics material is essential because as prospective health workers, we should have a good understanding of ethics. Besides that, this is also important when we make an exchange. Doctor Adji emphasized the outgoing candidates to obey the rules that exist in each country so that unwanted things would not happen.

The event then continued with the presentation of material about Anamnesis in English by Anggit Triadiana, MD who is also a former outgoing. In this session, the speaker brought the material casually so that the participants seemed enthusiastic and interactive.

The 4th presentation is about Traveler's Health delivered by Mr. Rahul, an exchange trainer from Airlangga University. In the last session, the event was filled with a talk show session with the former outgoing, Ms. Miska Raihana. The talk show session began with a description of the various experiences experienced by the speakers, then continued with a question and answer session. After that, we took some pictures together and ended the event.

By holding this training, we hope that the outgoing candidates can be helped in preparing everything relating to the exchange program.


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