(Pre Departure Training 1)
SCOPE is a professional exchange facilitator that provides opportunities for all medical students in Indonesia to learn about global health. each year, SCOPE sends more than 200 delegates to many medical schools around the world on a month-long clinical rotation.
This year, a total of 29 people have successfully passed and become SCOPE Exchange outgoings from the medical faculty of Gadjah Mada University. To prepare for the departure of the outgoing, each SCOPE local is obliged to carry out a Pre-Departure Training. based Guideline PDT SCOPE CIMSA, Pre-Departure Training is a training aimed at preparing all aspects related outgoing exchange prior to departure. Pre-Departure Training aims to introduce the IFMSA exchange program, explain the exchange procedure to outgoing outgoing people, and prepare outgoing people to be able to face personal, professional, and cultural problems that may be faced during the exchange period.
On November 28, 2020, SCOPE CIMSA UGM has successfully carried out its first Pre-Departure Training. This event was hosted by Local Exchange Officer CIMSA UGM and attended by all outgoings. First of all, Local Exchange Officer opened the event with an introduction and review of the exchange flow, and shared the pre-test link with outgoings followed by an explanation that SCOPE is an exchange facilitator in terms of administration and registration to a university or hospital in the destination country. This session also explained what things SCOPE can and cannot do. The event continued with the introduction of the IFMSA database to outgoing people. LEO shares e-mail and password via e-mail to each outgoing. All outgoings are encouraged to follow the directions from LEO step by step so that they can access their respective databases independently. LEO then explained the exchange conditions, which are the regulations of each country regarding its exchange program.
Furthermore, LEO explains how to access the exchange conditions for each country and what things must be considered in the exchange conditions. After explaining the exchange conditions, LEO explained about the documents that must be completed before-during-after exchange starts from how to access it, how to fill it, and how to send it. Including application form, card of documents, card of acceptance, card of confirmation, evaluation form, certificate, and academic quality. The event was closed by filling out a post-test by every outgoing person and continued with an announcement. The announcement made was an appeal from the National Exchange Officer regarding the collection of documents and the promotion of the SCOPE collaboration with SOMPO insurance.