OMEGA 3 1st Intervention - SCOPH CIMSA UI

OMEGA 3 1st Intervention - SCOPH CIMSA UI


OMEGA 3 1st Intervention
(Ayo Menyudahi Kekurangan Nutrisi pada Balita) 

Kampung Lio, an area in Depok, West Java, has children's health problems. Based on the Depok city profile in 2019, in Kampung Lio, the average birth weight of babies is more than the LBW limit, however, there are still many children whose birth weight has not been recorded. The data also shown that 10 out of 50 toddlers were malnourished.

The objective of OMEGA 3 is to improve knowledge and awareness of the mothers with toddlers or pregnancy women in Kampung Lio regarding the first 1000 days of life and fulfillment of balanced nutrition for children. Also, to raise public awareness about malnutrition in children so that will increase number of children with normal nutritional status.

OMEGA 3 as its abbreviation, Ayo Menyudahi Kekurangan Nutrisi pada Balita (Let's Get Rid of Nutritional Deficiencies in Toddlers), focuses on the CIMSA non-communicable disease program with a focus on the nutritional status area which discusses stunting, the first 1000 days of life, and screening for toddlers' weight, height, also BMI, as well as the healthy lifestyle area which discusses balanced nutrition and immunization for toddlers. OMEGA 3 also focuses on the CIMSA health system program with a focus on the healthy paradigm which discusses about health mainstreaming in development, and strengthening promotive and preventive efforts in order to improve children's health.

The intervention started on 4 pm, October 2nd to October 7th. The method of intervention was personal approach by WhatsApp. Each of SCOPH CIMSA UI members can contact their target and discuss about time and mechanism (free call/video call/text message) of the intervention as well. Therefore, the members can strengthen their relationship with the target and the target can feel more comfortable to share their thoughts and stories about their children's health.

As the event went on, the participants were excited and curious about so many children's health topic throughout the intervention. We finished the first intervention with myth or fact games in the main group. Participants were excited during the game session. We hope that OMEGA 3’s first intervention gives valuable experiences and increases participants' knowledge and awareness about the first 1000 days of life. 


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