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To implement the project of Obs SCOME CIMSA FK YARSI on October 28, 2022. Obs SCOME CIMSA FK YARSI held a project called METO (Medical History). This project was implemented to help CIMSA FK YARSI members in 2022 to increase their knowledge about the history of medicine in Indonesia.

Doctors are health workers who are licensed to practice in curing diseases regardless of age or gender. The doctor has a responsibility to the patient, in helping patients doctors must have a good relationship. The doctor-patient relationship has been defined as “a consensual relationship in which the patient knowingly seeks the physician’s assistance and in which the physician knowingly accepts the person as a patient.” At its core, the doctor-patient relationship represents a fiduciary relationship in which, by entering into the relationship, the physician agrees to respect the patient’s autonomy, maintain confidentiality, explain treatment options, obtain informed consent, provide the highest standard of care, and commit not to abandon the patient without giving him or her adequate time to find a new doctor.

In Indonesia, the development of a doctor takes quite a long time. Starting from Indonesia needing doctors when infected with malaria outbreaks, a medical education was established in Indonesia called STOVIA (School Tot Opleiding Van Inlandsche Asrtsen). Since the establishment of STOVIA, competent doctors were born so on October 24, 1950, the IDI or the Indonesian Doctors Association was ratified on the proposal of Dr. Soeharto as a forum for Indonesian doctors' associations. So from then on, October 24 is celebrated as National Doctors Day.

The beginning of an answer resides in an educational effort that exposes academic historians to both patients care and medical science and that provides physicians with the training to appreciate the extent to which treatment and research occur within historically specific cultures and contexts. Such an effort could be the foundation for exciting and productive collaborations between physicians and historians.

Based on this background, Obs. SCOME CIMSA FK YARSI held a project called METO (Medical History). This project is carried out with the concept of an infographic about the history of medicine in Indonesia, which is expected to help increase knowledge and insight into the history of medicine in Indonesia, as well as increase awareness of all members of CIMSA FK YARSI in 2022 about medicine in Indonesia.


Standing Committee on Medical Education

Empowering Medical Students
Improving Nation’s Health


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