
(Mental Health in Unequal World)

SCOPH CIMSA UNAIR celebrated this year’s world mental health day by holding an event called METHANOL (Mental Health in Unequal World). It focuses on people’s different privileges in life that can eventually lead to several mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. METHANOL consisted of three parts; pre-activity, main event, and post-activity. 

The pre-activity consisted of upgrading for members of CIMSA UNAIR  and an online campaign. The upgrading was done on 2 October in the form of training by Public Health Leaders, Shabrina Nur Imania and Caesariska Deswima. The online campaign was done in two forms. The first one is a social experiment video about “What is happiness to you?” that was uploaded to our Instagram TV  on 2 October. In that video, we asked people about their own definition of happiness. The second one was a podcast with Khansa Arma from Into The Light about “Beauty Privilege: Is Life Easier When You’re Prettier?” that was uploaded to CIMSA UNAIR’s Spotify on 7 October. 

Main event of METHANOL consisted of three parts, a webinar, talk show, and workshop, which was held on 9 October on Zoom Meeting and it reached 278 participants. The topic of the webinar was “Anxiety and Depression”, brought by dr. Aimee Nugroho, SpKJ from PDSKJI (Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kedokteran Jiwa Indonesia). The talk show was about “Social Privilege: Menerima Diri Sendiri dan Bertumbuh”. The speaker for the talk show was Retno Utari, M.Psi., Psikolog from Pijar Psikologi. Both webinar and talk show were moderated by dr. Sheila Maryam Gautama, a CIMSA UNAIR alumni and psychiatry resident at Faculty of Medicine A irlangga University. For the workshop, we talked about “Art Therapy: Heal Yourself Through Art”. In this session, there was a short explanation and live demo about self-healing and art therapy. This session was brought by Ario Manon and Shella Meisy from KegelisahART. The participants were asked to do this art therapy while the live demo was being shown and the artworks of the participants were collected. We collected a total of 63 works of art.

The post-activity was done in the form of online consultation via Zoom Meeting about mental health with psychologists from HIMPSI (Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia) on October 10th 2021.  This marks the last part of METHANOL. Hopefully, METHANOL gives a little strength to our souls to live brighter days ahead! Happy world mental health day!


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