(Mental Health Day)
Greetings, CIMSA!
World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of a complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease of infirmity. Every year, World Mental Health Day is commemorated to educate people globally about mental health, to raise awareness, and advocate to fight social stigma. In commemorating World Mental Health Day 2021 that landed on Saturday, 10th October 2021, SCOPH CIMSA Lokal UNISSULA participated to liven it up by enforcing MENTAY (Mental Health Day). The series of the MENTAY’s event started with an assessment by collecting pre activity data in September 2021 in order to know the understanding and experience of the participants, especially medical students about mental health in general, quarter life crisis, and self-healing.
According to MENTAY’s pre-activity assessment filled up by 166 respondents aged 17-21 years old, there are many people that haven’t understood the sense of quarter life crisis (10.8%) and there some that felt clueless about it (5.4%). From 166 respondents, 46% people often feel quarter life crisis and 12% say they feel it very often. Based on the data, 27,7% respondents felt that social media affects mental health especially in the midst of a pandemic. However, 7.2% respondents rarely do self-healing and 4.8% say very rarely on it.
In 10th October 2021, SCOPH CIMSA Lokal UNISSULA did an air campaign in the form of infographics explaining about the definition, characteristics, causative factors, and the impacts of the quarter life crisis, it also explained about self-healing and how to do it properly. People can also take part in the MENTAY series by uploading the twibbon campaign. Not only that, SCOPH CIMSA Lokal UNISSULA held a talkshow with Ms. Reinidar Devirasari Nirmala Hayati, M.Psi as the speaker from HMPSI (Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia) through instragram live in Saturday, 16th October 2021. The live talk show talked about the quarter life crisis and self-healing with the expert.
With this event, it is hoped that SCOPH CIMSA Lokal UNISSULA can take roles in increasing awareness and knowledge of Indonesian people especially medical students about mental health in accordance with the initial purpose in commemorating World Mental Health Day.