

(Let's Prevent HIV/AIDS & End The Stigma Right Now)


HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). This virus can drastically reduce the infected patient’s immunity and cannot be cured or persisted throughout the patient’s life. 

Currently, HIV and AIDS are considered a global emergency problem. In Indonesia, reports of new HIV cases have continued to increase every year since they were first reported in 1987. Based on the global situation, as many as 35 million people living with HIV and 19 million people with HIV positive status are unknown (Kementerian Kesehatan RI, 2018). This shows the importance of preventing HIV/AIDS cases from increasing.

LEVANTER is the commemoration of World AIDS Day, which is celebrated on December 1. This campaign aims to increase public knowledge and awareness in general and members of SCORA CIMSA Unila on the cases, way of transmissions, prevention of the disease, and change the public’s stigma on HIV/AIDS.

Because of the pandemic, the event has to be held online. It was also held with several series of events on December 5, 2020, via Zoom meeting and on December 11, 2020, via live Instagram. The LPET series was also held on December 16, 2020, with the target SCORA CIMSA Unila members.

On December 5, 2020, a webinar via Zoom meeting was held at 13.00-15.10 WIB with a topic about HIV/AIDS and ways to prevent it. It was delivered by dr. Dwi Anggraini, M. Sc., Sp.KK. as a representative of PERDOSKI. The second speaker was from JOB Lampung. It was a sharing session with ODHA, which was delivered directly by Elvina Harahap, S.H.

On December 11, 2020, a sharing session was held via live Instagram by dr. Ratna Mardiati, Sp.KJ (K) as a representative of the Angsamerah clinic. This event was held at 16.00 WIB and moderated by the Vice of LORA CIMSA FK Unila (Melia Sari). The topic itself is "Speak Out Against HIV/AIDS Stigma" to break up the stigma that spreads around in the society about HIV/AIDS. 

The last series of events was the Local Peer Education Training (LPET), held online through a zoom meeting on December 16, 2020. This event was delivered by Falah Dinar Al Hamra, LORA UMP 2019, and VLE UMP 2020-2021. Its purpose is to increase HIV/AIDS knowledge, prevent it, and the negative stigma that has to be broken.

It is not hard to spread HIV/AIDS knowledge and break up the negative stigma if we do this all together. A small action can bring much impact to the community. Let us become one of them and bring positivity to the community.


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