(Let's Make Deaf Friend)
Discrimination and stigma against persons with disabilities still occur in Indonesia. Many people do not even realize that their attitude towards persons with disabilities can include acts of discrimination. One of the persons with disabilities is a deaf friend. Many people do not care enough because they feel that people with disabilities, mostly deaf, are different from ordinary people. It is challenging to communicate with them because they do not understand how to communicate with deaf friends.
The LEDDY FRIEND (Let's Make Deaf Friends) is an activity held by SCORP CIMSA Unsoed in commemoration of Human Rights Day, celebrated on December 10th, 2020. This activity aims to increase participants' knowledge about discrimination against people with disabilities and encourage people to be more aware of human rights issues, especially the rights of deaf people. Besides, with this activity, it is also hoped that participants can learn about simple sign language to communicate with deaf people, and they can be closer to making good relations with the deaf.
LEDDY FRIEND activity was preceded by holding a pre-project training for SCORP CIMSA Unsoed members regarding signs of discrimination against persons with disabilities and their prevention, carried out on December 12th, 2020, with Safana as CIMSA Unsoed Human Right Trainer. The next series of LEDDY FRIEND activities was a talk show about discrimination against persons with disabilities, especially deaf friends, on December 19th, 2020, with Surya Ardiansyah and Aulia as speaker volunteers from "Sahabat Dengar." Then on the same day, a sign language training was also held with Aulia as a trainer.
The LEDDY FRIEND activity received a good response from the participants. Sixty-five participants attended the talk show and sign language training organized by SCORP CIMSA Unsoed. Participants' interest in the topics made an interactive atmosphere between the speaker and the participants. Even though it was held online, participants got benefits and insights from this activity. The increasing participant’s knowledge was assessed by the increase in the pretest and posttest scores. The average participant's posttest score is 77.33%.
The activity to commemorate Human Rights Day is a form of SCORP CIMSA Unsoed's steps to commit to peace and prosperity issues above existing differences. Besides, this activity is a real contribution to raise awareness about every human being's rights.