KOALA (Keep Our Glucose Level Normal) Intervensi 1 - CIMSA FK UNS

KOALA (Keep Our Glucose Level Normal) Intervensi 1 - CIMSA FK UNS


According to Basic Health Research (RISKESDAS) in 2018, the percentage of Diabetes Mellitus prevalence in Indonesia reached 1,5% with Central Java having higher prevalence rate than the nation's prevalence rate overall. Based on the data from Dinas Kesehatan Kota Surakarta, the number of diabetes mellitus cases recorded in hospitals and healthcare centers all over Surakarta by 2018 reached 5.226 cases for DM type 1 and 21.998 cases for DM type 2. Out of five subdistricts, Jebres is the subdistrict with the highest prevalence, with 430 cases recorded.

Regarding the situation, CIMSA UNS held a sustainable project titled “KOALA” (Keep Our Glucose Level Normal). We also held this activity as a realization of the third point of SDGs, Good Health and Well-Being. From 2020 to 2022, KOALA had been a community development with Kampung Kaplingan RW 20 as the target community. This year, we will continue this activity as a sustainable project, with youth organization members from RW 20 Kaplingan as the subject community. After doing both primary and secondary assessment with RSD Team CIMSA UNS and discussing with Ngoresan Healthcare Center, we chose Kampung Gulon RW 21 as our target community because of its high prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus.


The project started with pre-activity training for KOALA CIMSA UNS members and our subject community from RW 20 Kaplingan. We invited an alumni of CIMSA FK UNS and a nutritionist from PERSAGI (Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia) to give trainings about Diabetes Melitus, the symptoms, risk factors, complications, preventions, and healthy diet to prevent Diabetes Melitus. We also held a workshop for basic physical exams including GCU test, counting BMI, and blood pressure check. We started our intervention by holding training sessions for the health cadre of Kampung Gulon RW 21 about the subjects from our pre-activity training. We will also hold a cooking class inviting a nutritionist from ILMAGI (Ikatan Lembaga Mahasiswa Gizi Indonesia). On World Diabetes Day, we will also invite both our subject and object community to participate in our online campaign. Lastly, we will end this project by holding a free mass medical checkup consisting of blood pressure check, GCU test, and BMI counting.

On September 24th 2023, we held our first intervention attended by the health cadres of Gulon RW 21. We discussed about diabetes, its causes, different types, risk factors, complications, and the prevention steps. We also held a workshop to teach the cadres to perform simple medical checkups, like GCU and blood pressure check. All the participants were active and eager to learn, and it really brought us joy. We sincerely hope what we have taught will become handy in the future.

We sincerely hope this project will leave positive impacts for everyone involved. We also hope this project gives a fair contribution in actualizing CIMSA’s mission, “Empowering medical students, improving nation’s health.”



Empowering Medical Students

Improving Nation's Health


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