
KISS 2020

(Know HIV & AIDS, Introduce VCT, Show your courage, and Share the love with ODHA & ODHIV)


In World AIDS Day 2020, RACO MMSA UMY carried out a series of activities aimed at increasing public knowledge and awareness about HIV & AIDS, eliminating stigma and discrimination against HIV, and supporting the rights of People Living with HIV & AIDS (PLWHA). The series of events began with the LPET to increase SCORA members' knowledge regarding HIV & AIDS. LPET was conducted together with SCORA CIMSA Region 5, which are CIMSA UKDW and CIMSA UGM. After LPET, we continued our series, Webinar with the theme KISS "Know HIV & AIDS, Introduce VCT, Show your courage, and Share the love with ODHA & ODHIV."

In this webinar, we invited two speakers, and they are from PERDOSKI, dr. Devi Artami Susetiati, M.Sc, Sp. KK (K) FINSDV, FAADV, and dr. Henny Maryanti is the person in charge of the PEP HIV & AIDS program, Puskesmas Gedongtengen Yogyakarta. This webinar aims to increase public knowledge regarding HIV & AIDS, STIs, VCT, and HIV & AIDS treatment services at the primary care level.

The event was held on Sunday, December 6, 2020, and attended by 166 participants. The webinar was also broadcasted via Youtube MMSA UMY with 192 views. The next event was free counseling for PLWHA, carried out together with SCORA CIMSA UGM and SCORA CIMSA UKDW. The counseling was held on 11-17 December 2020 and December 29, 2020. We collaborated with the Layanan Progresif Psikologi (LPP) and the Yayasan AIDS Indonesia (YAIDS) in this counseling. Twelve participants attended counseling. Besides, together with SCORA region 5, we are carrying out a petition entitled "Kembalikan Hak ODHA dan ODHIV sebagai Manusia." This petition is addressed to P2P Yogyakarta Health Office, NGO Assistance for PLWHA, Health Workers, and Indonesian Communities. This petition contains discrimination and negative stigma that is still felt by PLWHA in Indonesia. At the end of our series, we made a podcast RACO MMSA UMY together with Victory Plus, an NGO working in HIV & AIDS. In this podcast, RACO MMSA UMY invites listeners not to discriminate and stigma negatively against PLWHA. By inviting a speaker who is a PLWHA from Victory Plus, he told his life story and the discrimination he experienced. Let us hear their stories via MMSA Podcast (MAPS)


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