(International Women's Day - Stop The Silence and Bring The Issue Up)
Every year on March 8, the world is celebrating International Women's Day. The day is a global day celebrating women's social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. It is also an action to spread awareness about gender equality and how vulnerable women in society. This year, SCORA and SCORP CIMSA FK UNS collaborate and celebrate International Women's Day 2021 by bringing the issue of Rape Culture in SPEAK UP: Stop The Silence and Bring The Issue Up. These celebrations and campaigns aim to raise awareness and the roles that SCORA and SCORP CIMSA FK UNS members, volunteers, and the general public can take on Rape Culture.
SCORA and SCORP CIMSA FK UNS celebrating International Women's Day through a series of SPEAK UP events: Stop The Silence and Bring The Issue Up. The series of air campaigns are accompanied by pre-activity training and webinars discussing rape culture. Also, SCORA and SCORP CIMSA FK UNS invite the public to participate directly through volunteering. Pre-activity training is targeted at volunteers and members of SCORA and SCORP CIMSA FK UNS. It discussed rape culture and violence against women together with trainers from PETRA and HRT and held on March 5, 2021, as the opening of a series of SPEAK UP events. They were followed by a webinar about rape culture held on March 13, 2021, by inviting two speakers from Hollaback! Jakarta and Komnas Perempuan.
The main event of the SPEAK UP series of events is series of the air campaign that consisting of questions and answers on the theme of the activity and its discussion, challenges, public posters, webinar publications, podcasts, and IG Live with SAFEnet and PerEMPUan, and closes with the publication of a video social experiment regarding people's views on rape culture.
Rape culture can be stopped by increasing the knowledge and role of the public to take part in action against rape culture. By celebrating International Women's Day with SCORA and SCORP CIMSA FK UNS, we are taking part in the fight against rape culture, discrimination, and other forms of inequality against women.