INSIGHTS, Increasing Knowledge and Skills for General Health Problems
In this Project For Member SCOME activity, SCOME CIMSA USU held a series of activities called INSIGHTS or “Increasing Knowledge and Skills for General Health Problems”. Through 3 forms of intervention carried out on 13-15 August 2022, the main objective of INSIGHTS is to increase medical students' knowledge about OSCE, cardiopulmonary resuscitation in patients with respiratory or cardiac arrest, doctor-patient communication skills, Electrocardiography Interpretation, and Thorax Photo Interpretation.
INSIGHTS activities began with the release of a teaser video which was uploaded on August 13, 2022 on USU's CIMSA Instagram account with the theme CPR or "Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation".
Then, to facilitate medical students in learning the concept of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), INSIGHTS held a Series of Class which was held on 13-14 August 2022 through the Zoom Teleconferences platform which invited dr. Enola Gracia Alyssandra Sihite, a general practitioner who graduated from the University of North Sumatra (USU) who gave material on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and doctor-patient communication skills on the first day. Furthermore, on the second day, INSIGHTS invited two doctors, namely dr. Dwi Gunawan Fardhani, a general practitioner who presented the material on Electrocardiography Interpretation and dr. Irene R. T. Damanik, SpRad(K), a consultant radiology specialist who provides material on Thorax Photo Interpretation. During the explanation of the Class Series, the speakers of the material were presented to the participants. This was followed by a question and answer session where the participants actively asked about many things related to the material. The selection of the Zoom Teleconference platform itself is based on remembering that the target chosen is all medical science throughout Indonesia and Indonesia is still in a pandemic period. This material presentation is expected to have a maximum impact on college students, both new students and senior students.
Besides Series of Class, INSIGHTS also released Podcasts about OSCE or “Objective Structured Clinical Examination”. This podcast was uploaded to USU's CIMSA Spotify on August 15, 2022 by inviting USU's CIMSA Senior Yan Josua Sinaga who has experience in dealing with OSCE. The choice of topics and platforms is also based on the lack of an overview of OSCE among medical students, especially new students and the majority of podcast listeners are also students from the Faculty of Medicine.
Standing Committee on Medical Education
Empowering Medical Students
Improving Nation's Health