IMPROVEMENT 1st Intervention - MSCIA UB

IMPROVEMENT 1st Intervention - MSCIA UB


(Improving Health through Prevention and Management Disease)


Data obtained by the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2018 showed that only 56.1% of cities or districts in East Java implement Clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS). The number of households that had applied PHBS during 2018 reached 40.7% of 70,546 households monitored in Malang City or 28,704 households in total. In Malang itself, based on data from the Ministry of Health in 2019 showed that 23,508 residents of Malang city were affected by diarrhea. In fact, in developing countries, diarrhea is the most common cause of death in children under five years old. We also conducted a village survey in the city of Malang and found that RW 7 in the Bareng sub-district is an area that has problems with latrine disposal in which the citizens had very low knowledge about PHBS. And also, we obtained from our interview that there are only 3 houses in RT 1 that have septic tanks.

Considering the high level of COVID-19 cases in Malang City, in the first intervention carried out on August 22th, 2021, we held IMPROVEMENT online through the WhatsApp group. We invited one of our public health trainer, Rizky Amaliah Putri, to provide materials related to 'Myth & Fact about PHBS' which was then followed by a question and answer agenda. The cadres were very enthusiastic and actively asked numerous questions during the agenda. After delivering the material, we invited the cadres to refresh themselves for a while with mini-games in the form of picture guessing games in which the picture contained words related to PHBS and the cadres have to connect the pictures into a phrase and at the end, we gave prizes to the cadres who won the game. The IMPROVEMENT agenda for intervention 1 ended with the provision of re-socialization regarding the role of healthcare ambassadors, checking logbook checklists as an overview for future door-to-door interventions, and at last, we gave socialization about the 7-day challenge of implementing a healthy lifestyle.
We hoped that by holding this activity, we together with IMPROVEMENT cadres can improve the health quality of rural communities who are at risk of experiencing health problems, especially diarrhea problems through prevention activities and the application of the right clean and healthy lifestyle.


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