(International Day of Peace)
This year, on 21st of September 2020 RPCO MMSA UMY held an annual program to commemorate the International Day of Peace (IDoP). This program has the aim to increase public awareness about the issue of peace then members can increase knowledge in terms of speaking up for peace.
The reason for holding the IDoP was related to the condition of peace that occurred during this pandemic where health rights, especially the elderly, pregnant women, and people with low immunity were getting threatened. For example, as people get older, the cells will degenerate faster, including immune cells. This will be detrimental to many elderly people being taken away and causing an imbalance of justice. Advocating IDoP is indispensable in the hope of getting an outcome that all members are able to understand more about issues of peace and convey their opinions about current conditions and what should be done. People are more aware about current condition and still apply good things under various conditions.
The target of IDoP is the general public (all age levels on social media, especially teenagers) because teenagers are one of the pioneers of change, easy to reach, and open to current issues. We use primary data through pre-test, post-test and also a questionnaire, for secondary data using the Global Peace Index 2020 for assessment methods. Pre-test was carried out during internal training and likewise for the post-test. IDoP was organized by Athiyya Salma Hamida as Project Officer and Ministry of RPCO MMSA UMY, Tezasha Laura Claretha as secretary, and Chaerunnisa A as treasurer.
Video campaign that was shared through Instagram
The IDoP series started on August 20th 2020 with internal training by HRT (Laksita Faradyna Anggraeni) with the topic 'COVID-19 Effect On Refugee's Health', this internal training was held through Microsoft Teams, starting with opening at 16.15 to 16.17, followed by internal training at 16.17-16.50 then subsequently by questions and answers session at 16.50-16.58 and finally closing at 16.58 to 17.00.
Video campaign that was shared through Instagram
On August 21st, 2020, RPCO MMSA UMY uploaded the Video Campaign through social media: Instagram and MMSA UMY’s Youtube account at 19.00 WIB, for the preparation of this video, it has started to be prepared since August 12, 2020 by members of RPCO MMSA UMY. In this year, there are no income and expenditure of budget funds so there is no funding method because this activity does not require any funds at all. For pre-activities, there are pre-IDoP assessment via Google form and internal pre-test training, for the post-IDoP, post-test assessment was done through Instagram and Youtube.